Account Aggregator powered Risk Assessment

Improve underwriting by leveraging the Account Aggregator Framework. Access your customer's data in a consent-driven and guided customer journey.


Pivot from data-led to data-first credit decision.

With FinBox Account Aggregator integration

With account aggregator, FinBox brings on board a cohort of formal and alternate data sourced from user-sanctioned financial information, smartphones, bank statements and cash-flow inputs to underwrite existing and potential borrowers at speed and scale.

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How does FinBox leverage the account aggregator system?

An account aggregator in India, registered as an NBFC, allows sharing of financial data between Financial Information Providers (FIPs) and Financial Information Users (FIUs), after due customer consent.

FinBox embeds the account aggregator functionality right within its automated bank statement analyzer - BankConnect. This enables users to grant granular, time-bound access to their financial data which, clubbed with credit bureau scores, helps lenders assess the borrower against a wider backdrop of financial parameters.

Enriched Transactions Data.

BankConnect combines transactions extracted from bank statements with data from third-parties to provide enriched, clean data within seconds via an API call or a CSV report.

The Account Aggregator framework will radically transform India’s lending space. It will allow lenders to factor in a wider dataset to determine credit worthiness. It will also assure borrowers that their data is safe and secured, and build further confidence in the ecosystem.”
Rajat Deshpande, CEO and Co-Founder of FinBox.