Approve new-to-credit borrowers while reining in delinquencies

With Device Connect, an in-device risk engine

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Increase approval rates by 25%

Our AI and ML-driven underwriting suite leverages alternative data to generate a FinBox Inclusion Score (FIS) tested on the largest new-to-credit (NTC) customer base in India

Reduce delinquency rates by 30%

DeviceConnect enables real-time data monitoring so lenders can be alerted of the red flags immediately

Increase borrower pool

Cover 92% of digitally acquired customers, as opposed to the credit bureau coverage of just 50%

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Serving1Mborrowers/ month

Partnering with25lenders

Onboarding6LNTC customers/month

Rigorously trained models for
high-precision lending decisions

Risk assessment based on credit performance in the last 30 days

Alternative credit scoring with behavioural and cash flow-based data

Analysis of income and salary credit dates to recommend optimal EMI date for higher E-NACH success rates

Increase your credit pool
and optimize lending end-to-end.
Enabling better, more efficient lending

Improve lending decisions with Device Connect today!

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