Drive 50% Higher Collection Efficiency

FinBox CollectX is a collection prioritization and early warning system for your digitally acquired portfolio. The best part? It seamlessly integrates with your existing decision system

Trusted By

Higher debt recovery
with minimal resources

Leverage real-time cash-flow insights to identify risky borrowers and
prioritise collections resources

Lower Delinquency rates

Identify risky borrowers before their loan due date and use targeted collection strategies.

Lower Cost of Collection

Segment your borrowers based on their riskiness and allocate collection resources intelligently.

Improve Repayment Success Rate

Get recommended date for eNACH presentation for bounced payments.

How it Works

Lender shares a list of borrowers

Rich collection insights pushed to lender's decision system

Lender shares a list of borrowers

Rich collection insights pushed to lender's decision system

Why FinBox
A Technology Focused Approach

Flexible integration

Integrates within the existing decision system of lenders with instant go-live in just 3 days. Available in both API and Batch modes

State of the art AI models

Our machine learning models have been trained on billions of data points and bring its benefits to each partner we work with

Privacy aware

Built in alignment with DEPA (Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture). CollectX is 100% private and secure